Manganese EDTA Chelated
Chelated manganese EDTA is used when manganese deficiencies are anticipated or noticed. Manganese deficiency can lead to a reduction in photosynthetic activity.
Mode of Action
Manganese EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) forms stable complexes with manganese ions. This chelation process enhances the solubility and availability of manganese, making it more accessible for plant uptake.
Manganese EDTA chelated solutions can be applied directly to plant foliage as a foliar spray. This method delivers manganese directly to the leaves, where it can be quickly absorbed and utilized by the plant. Foliar application is particularly effective for correcting manganese deficiencies or providing a rapid nutrient boost during critical growth stages.
Crop | Common name of the Pest | Dose/acre(gm) | Dilution in Water (Liter) | Waiting Period(Days) |
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